Visual Aids About Immersive Learning
If you’re more visual of a person when it comes to learning, here are some images that will help you digest information as it comes to the value of immersive learning.
Let’s take a look at how these seven different benefits of augmented reality in education. These lead to an immersive work experience for kids.
This shows how learning through experience with subject matter can tap into a greater number of senses compared to the more traditional ways of learning.
As you can see, learning through experience leads to situated learning, reduces the cognitive loaded, and is shown to improve test scores.
To read more about immersive learning and get more facts, check out other pages of our blog. To stay connected to what we’re doing, follow us on Instagram, at IG scavengerstoriesny. To get more information about the program, call Tony at 917-862-3484 or email him at
Sources: Medium, Talk Business