The Benefits to Immersive Learning

There are many benefits to exposing children to immersive learning environments, which is why Scavenger Stories is thriving. Here are some reasons why, listed below, reinforced by a reputable article from “Cognita”.

  • It challenges their thinking and promotes engagement

  • By providing a culture of practical, hands-on experiences, children gradually become more curious and active in their own learning – solving problems, developing communication skills with their peers and cultivating sustained shared thinking

  • Giving the children a voice to plan what they want to learn about, to ask questions, to work in unison and express their ideas for learning environments can be very empowering.

  • Creating an inclusive environment that reflects the cohort and enriches their knowledge and understanding is vital.

  • The physical surroundings should reinforce and deepen curiosity in students’ minds. Such environments transport children into an educational world full of wonder and awe which sequentially sparks discussion, exploration, discovery and contemplation before they reflect on their own thinking.

  • Displaying children’s topic work is wonderful for their wellbeing and self-esteem and therefore should be celebrated. Nevertheless, the end result does not always convey the learning that has been enabled, nor does it demonstrate the journey of discovery the child has taken to produce such work.



Visual Aids About Immersive Learning


An Introduction to Immersive Learning