

  • Movement-based learning is a means of learning, creative expression, and communication that combines physical activity with cognitive development


  • At Scavenger Stories, we use fun physical activities and games that help students integrate mind-body coordination with academic concepts


  • Scavenger Stories uses a movement-based approach that helps students retain information by getting them up out of their seats and engaging in age-appropriate physical obstacles that combine teamwork with participatory story-telling.

BioHunt & Story Olympics

In the BioHunt & Story Olympics programs, students embark on an around-the-globe biome exploration.

Each week the group of students will be introduced to a new ecosystem in our world. Students get moving and shaking with their buddies with dance, music, and sensory games which are connected to the theme.

In the final part of the program, they’ll hear native stories from different cultures acted out in a StoryPlay and performed using puppets and props.

Children and their guardians will leave each unforgettable journey with a deeper appreciation for the land and the living things on earth. 

  • For ages 12 months to 5 years

  • Program runs for 30 minutes.