Theater Arts & Creative Writing Programs
Theatre Arts is a collaborative form of performing art that acts out stories in front of an audience.
Creative writing is writing that displays imagination or invention.
At Scavenger Stories, we use Theatre Arts and Creative writing as core methods to help students improve self-expression, communication skills, and awareness of different world cultures and ideas in order to build resilience and strengthen their memory and problem-solving skills.
Scavenger Stories Learning uses a unique adventure-based learning approach to allow children to showcase their learning while practicing the art of storytelling. Through sketches, creative prompts, custom mad-libs and improv/role playing games, kids create a sense of community throughout the learning sessions.
In our PodQuest Program, kids will team up with peers to complete games and challenges to unlock their inner-podcaster. During these challenges, kids build on their acting, voice and character skills while exploring ancient cultures and ecological hot spots. They flex their journalistic and investigation skills, by uncovering real and fictional facts related to the theme before writing and recording their own original podcast. By the end of the session, kids will have enjoyed creating an unforgettable performance while learning more about their world!
For ages 6-11
Runtime: Program runs for 45 minutes to 1 hour