An Introduction to Immersive Learning

By Monica Viera

With interactive programs like Scavenger Stories, students learn about subjects like math and science through storytelling. Their experiential workshops don’t adhere to the traditional ways of teaching; they want the kids to interact and engage. And this is crucial, because as our world becomes more saturated with content, we need to keep up with the demands and expectations of our children’s brains and how they will ingest certain information (Arky 2022).

This is why immersive learning is beneficial. With this kind of learning, children get to stand up, walk around, collaborate with their peers, ask questions, make and touch different props and materials, use their imagination, and create soundscapes to disappear into different realities (“Understanding Interactive Learning” 2021). This is more congruent with their virtual reality-like generation that uses these very tools to entice them for entertainment. It simply captures and retains their interest.

Scavenger Stories is able to introduce complex topics and themes through fun games and activities. From the Boreal Forest to coral bleaching, elementary -aged are exposed to an immersive learning environment that provides maximum learning benenfits for the whole child!


Arky, Beth. "Do Sensory Processing Issues Get Better Over Time?" Child Mind Institute,

"Understanding Interactive Learning." Studying Interactive Learning, Scholastic, 2021,


The Benefits to Immersive Learning